Tuesday, February 1, 2011

greenhouse gas emissions decrease in UK

The greenhouse gas emissions have decreased by 8.7% in the UK in 2009.

All areas are concerned by the decrease :
- energy supply (11%)
- businesses (11.8%)
- industrial processes (36.5%)
- transport (4.2%)
- homes (5.8%)

In previous year, the decrease was only 2% for the CO2 and greenhouse gases, not for home emission ( increase of 3%).
Several reasons explain this result
- The economical recession
- the increase of the nuclear energy use

The total emission of the 6 greenhouse gases, defined by the Kioto protocol were about 566.3m tonnes in 2009, whereas it reached 620.5m the previous year.

(article of The Guardian)

This decrease is mainly due to the decrease of the industrial activity, in Europe. Industrial activity is now "exported" to China or India.
Another interesting points :
- Crisis makes people more "green"
- UK increases the use of nuclear power plants, but some of them should be shutdown during next years.